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Want to improve your public speaking skills?
Join the Ethics Bowl Team!
The ethics bowl is a intercollegiate competition where teams of students debate about pressing ethical problems of the day. The competition requires students to apply ethical principles to real-life problems in medicine, engineering, business, education, personal relationships, government, and other areas. Before the competition, team members receive a set of cases that raise issues in practical and professional ethics, and spend around three months preparing an analysis of each case, honing their arguments by discussing the cases with fellow team members. During the competition, the teams are scored by a panel of judges based on their intelligibility, focus on ethically relevant considerations, avoidance of ethical irrelevance, and deliberative thoughtfulness.
We welcome all levels of participation in ethics bowl, from dropping in to join in the discussion from time to time to becoming part of the team which will compete in the 2013 regional competition on November 23, 2013.
So please consider joining us for our first meeting on August 22, 12:50-1:30 in the Cherry Conference Room in Galvin Library to find out more!