Tuesday, February 4, 2014

AAAS Workshop, February 13th - Responsible Professional Practices in a Changing Research Environment—Integrating Ethics Education Into the Research Environment.

Come join us at a AAAS workshop on Research Ethics! 

A full-day Workshop on Responsible Professional Practices in a Changing Research Environment—Integrating Ethics Education Into the Research Environment.

February 13, 2014, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Breakfast and lunch provided.

The Hyatt Regency Chicago, Skyway 260.

The workshop is grounded in a recognition that many research ethics issues are relevant to the practice and application of science, from developing hypotheses and designing a protocol, to data management and analysis, to reporting findings and advising others on the uses of the work.  Integrating ethics instruction into the performance of those various stages of research can be an effective strategy for educating future researchers. Participants will be introduced to rationales, content, approaches, tools, and resources to give them the means to develop and implement research ethics education in specific research environments.


University administrators, faculty, and post-docs interested in creating concrete, discipline-specific strategies to incorporate research ethics education into the context of the research environment, whether it be a lab or field work.


The meeting is open to all for a US$25.00 fee. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more from the same institution. (For details, contact rcarlson@aaas.org.) One need not register or attend any part of the AAAS Annual Meeting to participate in this special workshop. To register:

1.       Go to the AAAS Annual Meeting registration page,
2.    ShowAAA131/Default.aspx, and click the General Attendees box.
        3. Login: enter your email address and password; click next 3. Membership: enter your AAAS member information or click "not a member"; click next
        4. Contact: enter your contact information; click next
        5. Registration Type: for those who plan to attend the workshop, but are not registering for the Annual Meeting, select option C "Pre-Meeting Workshop Only"; click next
        6. Select the option "Responsible Professional Practices in a Changing Research Environment"; click next
        7. Continue through the registration process and enter your payment information.