The Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions at
Illinois Institute of Technology is looking for a research fellow to assist in
enhancing its Ethics
Code Collection and to explore the current and future roles of ethics codes
within society, business, and technological innovation. The Ethics Codes
Collection ( is a unique resource,
comprising a curated collection of over 4,000 ethics codes and guidelines
across a range of disciplines for over 40 years. With this project funded by
the MacArthur Foundation, the collection will serve as a more dynamic global
resource for informing ethical decision making in professional,
entrepreneurial, scientific, and technological fields, and inform critical
research into the advancement of ethical practices in a rapidly changing world.
research fellow will work with members of the Center for the Study of Ethics in
the Professions to develop a collection plan for the resource, build connections
with research institutions and professional associations, and conduct research
on the societal role of ethics codes.
qualifications for this position include a Master’s degree in philosophy and/or
extensive experience in the fields of applied or professional ethics and an
excellent record of quality scholarship and research. Experience in developing
digital educational resources is a plus.
is a two-year, part time position. Annual salary: $20,500
to submit applications: March 25, 2016
send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, writing sample, and three references to Inquiries may be sent to Kelly Laas, Center for the
Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology, 3241 S.
Federal Street, Chicago IL, 60616. Email:
Illinois Institute of
Technology is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer
committed to enhancing equity, inclusion and diversity within its
community. It actively seeks applications from women, minorities,
individuals with disabilities, veterans and other underrepresented
groups. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for