Thursday, August 6, 2020

Call for Proposals: Association for Practical and Professional Ethics 2021 Virtual Conference

30th Annual APPE
International Conference

FEBRUARY 25 - 28, 2021

Call for Proposals

The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) seeks proposals for its 30th anniversary virtual annual international conference to be held 25-28 February 2021.  

APPE is a multidisciplinary, international organization advancing scholarship, education, and practice in practical and professional ethics. We facilitate and support scholarly and professional collaborations among teachers, scientists, business practitioners, engineers, government officials, researchers, the media, and all professionals concerned with the practical application of ethics and values.

We invite individuals from every discipline and profession interested in advancing scholarship, teaching and a general understanding of applied ethics to submit proposals based on their work. Our meeting will have sessions in many discipline areas including business, engineering, government, law, media, and science, and on a wide variety of subject areas such as agricultural ethics, bioethics, business ethics, compliance, education, environmental ethics, media ethics, and technology. Proposals can be on ethical issues within or cutting across disciplines and professions.



Submission Categories
We invite proposals in the following categories: 1) Individual presentations; 2) Case studies; 3) Pedagogical demonstrations; 4) Creative arts; 5) Posters; 6) Panel discussions; 7) Author meets critics; 8) Breakfast with an author; 9) Pecha Kucha/Rapid fire session; 10) Graduate student Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition; 11) Paper competitions and awards (see below for more information).  Submissions associated with current events and emerging topics are encouraged. 

Submission Deadline: September 18, 2020

Generally, no more than one individual presentation per person will be accepted.  There is no limit to participation in co-authored presentations and panels.     

Submission Guidelines and Instructions

Special Interest Sections
In addition to papers and sessions on topics of general interest in applied and professional ethics, APPE has Special Interest Sections and program tracks in the following areas:

  • Bioethics, Health & Medical Ethics
  • Business Ethics
  • Early Career Scholar
  • Education Ethics
  • Engineering, Science and Technology Ethics (STEM)
  • Law, Government & Military Ethics
  • Media & Journalism Ethics
  • Moral Theory
  • Research Integrity
  • Social & Societal Ethics
If you wish your submission to be considered for a particular program track, you may indicate this in your submission form. 

Paper Competitions and Awards
Best Formal Paper by an Early Career Scholar:   $500 prize
Best Formal Paper by a Graduate Student:  $500 prize
Clifford G. Christians Ethics Research Award:  $250 prize
Best Formal Paper by an Undergraduate Student:   $250 prize

In addition, there is a $250 prize given to the winner of the Graduate Student Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition which takes place and is awarded at the conference.

See Submission Guidelines and Instructions for paper competition guidelines and submission instruction.

For more information about the 30th Annual APPE International Conference, please see the APPE website at: