Nov 13-15, 2009
Fourth International Conference on Applied Ethics - Call for Papers
13-15 November 2009
Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy (CAEP) Hokkaido University,
Sapporo, Japan
We are delighted to announce the Fourth International Conference on Applied Ethics on 13-15 November 2009 at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
We invite the submission of papers on the following topics (not exclusive): Meta-Normative Ethics, Bio/Medical Ethics, Engineering Ethics, Ethics of Science and Technology, Information Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Business Ethics, and International/Global Ethics, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Confirmed keynote speakers include: Ruth Chadwick (Cardiff), Kristin Shrader-Frechette (Notre Dame), Michael Davis (Illinois Institute of Technology), Seumas Miller (ANU), Randall Curren (Rochester), Howard Adelman (Griffith), Peter Schaber (Zurich), Lee Shui Chuen (National Central, ROC), and Mari Yoshihara (Hawaii)
Those participants who wish to present papers are requested to submit a 300-500 word abstract by 13th of August to CAEP (
All accepted papers are considered for publication in the printed and electronic formats.
Up to ten Hokkaido University Young Scientists Travel Awards between 20,000-50,000 JPY (equivalent to approx. 200-500 USD) are available for graduate students and non-tenured scholars. Priority is given to overseas students/non-tenured scholars who present papers.
For further details, visit our website:
Conference Chair: Takahiko Nitta (Director, CAEP) Program Chair:
Shunzo Mjima (Deputy Director, CAEP)
The First International Conference Applied Ethics series was held in February 2007, the second in November 2007, and the third in November 2008.At the last November’s conference, we hosted more than 80 participants from 11 countries. Keynote speakers for the previous three conferences have included Asa Kasher, Tom Campbell, Peter Danielson, Andrew Light, Wu Guoshen, Holger Burckhart, and Michael Seigel