Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Invited Speaker: Responsible Research Practices, April 5, 2019

The Office of Research Compliance, in partnership with the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, has announced that it will offer a lecture titled “Responsible Publication Practices” on Friday, April 5 from 2–4 p.m. A brief abstract of the lecture is included below. The lecture is a part of Illinois Institute of Technology’s Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Policy, and will feature a presentation by Associate Professor Emily E. Anderson, Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics & Healthcare Leadership, Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University Chicago. Anderson earned a Ph.D. in health care ethics from Saint Louis University and an M.P.H. in community health sciences (health education/health promotion) from the University of Illinois at Chicago. The event will take place at Wishnick Hall, Room 113, and will include light refreshments.
Abstract: “Publication of your scientific work is not just necessary for career advancement, it is a professional ethical obligation. While writing and submitting a paper for publication may seem straightforward, there are many challenges, and potential missteps that may ultimately result in research misconduct. This session will review best practices for determining authorship, citing references appropriately, avoiding plagiarism, and navigating the process of selecting a journal and peer review process.”
The RCR is a required program for all sponsored researchers. Federal regulations require researchers supported by a funding agency to complete RCR training. In order to ensure that RCR requirements have been fulfilled, all Illinois Tech-sponsored projects, regardless of funding source, must follow the university policy.
Illinois Tech’s RCR policy comprises three distinct parts: (1) completing one RCR training course through the CITI Program, (2) attending at least one in-person RCR lecture/workshop, and (3) participating in face-to-face RCR instruction led by the faculty investigator for the project.
Ongoing lectures and workshops covering topics in ethical research with a focus on RCR themes will be offered. All researchers on an Illinois Tech-sponsored project must attend at least one lecture or workshop. Check the Office of Research Compliance website for upcoming lectures and workshops.

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